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Línea de procesamiento de maltitol de control automático ISO Venta caliente

Hora de publicación: 2022-11-25     Origen: Sitio

Maltitol Project Introduction

Commercial starch is used as a raw ingredient in maltitol. Commercial starch was placed in a dissolving tank to be dissolved. To modify the starch mixing in the dissolving tank, add water inside the tank. The slurry mixing tank was then filled with the modified commercial starch. The slurry mixing tank keeps the starch milk's DS, PH, and enzyme levels at the proper levels. The automatic liquefaction system is then used to process the slurry. For a better liquefaction effect, the liquefaction uses two times of ejection and two times of flashing. The liquefaction system keeps things at the right temperature and at the right time. After transporting the enzyme in the syrup for a predetermined period of time, it is then transferred to the saccharification system. Maltose enters the filtration stage to eliminate the less protein and other contaminants blended in the product after the DE or DX value required by the final product is attained by adjusting the amount of enzyme and saccharification duration. After filtration, the liquid maltose is decolored, filtered, and put through a continuous ion exchange system to get rid of colored impurities and impurity ions, enabling the maltose to fulfill its refining and purifying objectives. It then enters the high-pressure hydrogenation reactor for a hydrogenation reaction after being concentrated by an evaporator. A small amount of catalyst that was incorporated into the maltitol solution is filtered after the reaction and used again. Impurities and other ions are eliminated through decolorization, filtration, and continuous ion exchange systems. Following this procedure, the maltitol solution fulfills its goal of refinement and purification. Maltitol is then concentrated via evaporation. The certified maltitol is created after evaporation.

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